
Running With Sharp Objects


Book Cover of Sharp: Arca Book 7 by Karen Diem. Arca stands in a field of pumpkins… and by that, I mean the seventh book in the Arca superhero urban fantasy series, Sharp! It has all the things you’d hope to find in an account of a Halloween visit to mom’s cozy small town. Pumpkins. Apple cider donuts. Murder. Fiberglass aliens. Theme supervillains. Guilt. Mystery. Car crashes. Random monsters. Possibly explosive pumpkins. You know, the usual.

Sharp releases October 26, 2022. Grab a copy now for $2.99 USD or equivalent! The price will go up to $3.99 USD in a few weeks. Paperbacks will hopefully be available in time for Christmas. Buy it here.

If you’re still not certain if it’s for you, read the all the other books first. If you’ve already done that and are afraid that it just won’t live up to the cheesy innuendo, bad decisions, and exciting action adventure of the rest of the series, check out Chapter One for a taste of the nutty goodness.


Top Secret Super Power Of Ten: Heroes & Villains

An image of the cool Heroes & Villains collection as a box set and the logos of the stores that love it
Look at that sexy, sexy box set picture. Don’t ever say I don’t let you see the good stuff.
Heroes & Villains… My goodness, is that a… SECRET PROJECT? WHAT?
Why, yes, yes it is a secret project, if you discount the fact that I told Mr. Diem and my entire newsletter mailing list about it in advance. Anyway, I’m very happy to announce that it’s here!
The Heroes & Villains ten ebook set is now available for purchase at Amazon, iBooks, Nook, and Kobo! It includes TEN novels for $2.99 USD (or regional equiv), all of which are full-length novels and the first in their respective series.
Here’s the complete set list in the order they appear in the book. My favorite is obviously my own, but it’s really a great set. Each one has a slightly different take on superheroes, whether it’s dystopian or noir or lighthearted urban fantasy (*cough*) or young adult or … you get the idea. Anyway. I’ve already got my copy. Get yours before it goes away in mid-September.
  • Serpent’s Sacrifice by Trish Heinrich
  • Morning Sun by Jeremy Flagg
  • Action Figures by Michael Bailey
  • Supervillain High by Gerhard Gehrke
  • Origin by David Neth
  • Sidekick by Christopher Valin
  • The Kota by Sunshine Somerville
  • Super by Karen Diem
  • Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon
  • Hero Status by Kristen Brand
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